Film a Video Interview or Piece to Camera.

Looking for a photo studio with interesting features to serve as background for a video interview?

Choose The Lounge at Simulacra Studio, London SE26. 

The lounge is adjacent to Studio One and Two, but can be hired completely separately and exclusively. 

It has white walls, fantastic natural light and inclusive equipment, a large movable meeting table, hanging and potted plants and cool, industrial style hand made furniture.

But how do you film interviewees, especially those who may not be actors or used to speaking to camera - what tips would you give them in advance?

How to Answer Interview Questions Confidently

Interviews can be a nerve-wracking experience, especially if you’re not sure how to answer the questions being asked. However, with the right preparation and attitude, you can make sure that you come across as confident and capable during your interview. Here are some tips on how to answer interview questions confidently.

Do Your Research

The best way to prepare for an interview is to do your research. Before the interview, take some time to read up on the company and the role that you’re applying for. This will give you a better understanding of what the company is looking for in a candidate and what kind of questions they might ask. It will also help you come up with thoughtful answers that show off your knowledge and skills.

Practice Your Answers

Once you’ve done your research, it’s time to practice your answers. Take some time to think about potential questions that might be asked during the interview and come up with responses that highlight your strengths and qualifications. You should also practice speaking out loud so that you can get used to talking in front of an interviewer. This will help build your confidence and ensure that you don’t stumble over your words during the actual interview.

Be Honest

When answering questions during an interview, it’s important to be honest about your skills and experience. Don’t try to embellish or exaggerate anything – this could backfire if the interviewer finds out later on down the line. Instead, focus on highlighting what makes you unique and why you would be a great fit for the role. Honesty is always appreciated by employers so make sure that this comes across in your answers.

Stay Positive

It’s natural to feel nervous during an interview but it’s important not to let this show in your answers or body language. Instead, stay positive throughout the process by maintaining good eye contact with the interviewer and smiling when appropriate. This will help create a positive impression of yourself as someone who is confident and capable of handling whatever comes their way.

Show Enthusiasm

Finally, make sure that you show enthusiasm for the role throughout the interview process by asking thoughtful questions about the job itself or expressing excitement about potential opportunities within the company. This will demonstrate that you are genuinely interested in working there and eager to learn more about what they have to offer.

By following these tips, you can make sure that you come across as confident and knowledgeable about the subject you're discussing.

Of course it helps to have a great filming space, so always choose a great studio or shooting environment such as Simulacra Studio, London SE26.


Property and Interior Photographer South London.


Natural Light Studio Tour: Capturing the Perfect Shot in Any Environment